by Grant Vision Care | Aug 21, 2018 | Resources
Poor figure ground skills may cause difficulty determining what is significant from what is insignificant and difficulty completing work. It may also make it harder to get meaning from the printed page when there is a lot of information or clutter on the page. You...
by Grant Vision Care | Aug 7, 2018 | Resources
Form evaluation skills allow for immediate and accurate production of likenesses and differences and the ability to reproduce and generalize forms. Visual form constancy allows for accurate interpretation of an object, word, letter, or number no matter how it is...
by Grant Vision Care | Feb 5, 2018 | Events and News
Approximately every 6 weeks we hold a workshop that discusses how vision has an impact on learning. Most people (incorrectly) assume that if you have 20/20 vision everything is fine. This is simply just not true. “Perfect” 20/20 vision only means you can...
by Grant Vision Care | Aug 8, 2016 | Events and News, Resources
August is national Vision and Learning Month! According to COVD ( August was declared Vision and Learning month in 1995. This is aimed to help parents, educators, and other health professionals understand the link between vision and its affect on...