1520 Portage Trail #2
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223


1520 Portage Trail #2
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223

Office Forms

Attention All New Patients

Please fill out the following on-line form:
Welcome to the Office Form

Children’s Forms

Download and print the following forms:
Childrens Questionnaire (PDF Format)
Infant/Toddler Questionnaire ages 0-5 (PDF Format)

Brain Injury

Please print and fill out the following form if you have experienced any type of brain injury (example: concussion, stroke):
Brain Injury Vision Symptom Survey (PDF Format)

Our Hours

Mon8:30 AM6:30 PM
Tue8:30 AM5:30 PM
Wed8:30 AM11:30 AM
Thu8:30 AM4:30 PM

Social Media

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