by Grant Vision Care | Feb 5, 2018 | Events and News
Approximately every 6 weeks we hold a workshop that discusses how vision has an impact on learning. Most people (incorrectly) assume that if you have 20/20 vision everything is fine. This is simply just not true. “Perfect” 20/20 vision only means you can...
by Grant Vision Care | Oct 31, 2017 | Eye Conditions, Resources
What parent or child likes to hear that they have a “lazy eye”? Do you think a child’s self-consciousness is boosted when they are diagnosed with a “lazy eye”? What does “lazy eye” even mean? Unfortunately lazy eye is a...
by Grant Vision Care | May 3, 2016 | Eye Conditions, Resources, Uncategorized
“The pediatrician did a check at their office and says my child’s eyes are fine.” The remainder of this blog post will discuss why just a “check” at the pediatrician’s office is not an acceptable substitute for a complete vision...