by Grant Vision Care | Jan 15, 2019 | Events and News
Do you know a child who is struggling in school? Is your child working hard but still not working up to potential? Do you want to know more about how vision can affect the way we learn? Please attend our FREE workshop discussing how vision affects learning on...
by Grant Vision Care | Oct 31, 2017 | Eye Conditions, Resources
What parent or child likes to hear that they have a “lazy eye”? Do you think a child’s self-consciousness is boosted when they are diagnosed with a “lazy eye”? What does “lazy eye” even mean? Unfortunately lazy eye is a...
by Grant Vision Care | May 3, 2016 | Eye Conditions, Resources, Uncategorized
“The pediatrician did a check at their office and says my child’s eyes are fine.” The remainder of this blog post will discuss why just a “check” at the pediatrician’s office is not an acceptable substitute for a complete vision...