1520 Portage Trail #2
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223


1520 Portage Trail #2
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223

Autism Awareness in April

April 2nd was World Autism Awareness Day, and the whole month of April is dedicated to bringing awareness to autism. Autism is a neurobiological disorder that can affect processing and responding to information to varying degrees. People with autism frequently have a...


Unbearable headaches, excessive neck pain, nausea, photo-sensitivity, blurry vision, difficulty concentrating and remembering, mentally foggy/slowed down, fatigue, insomnia, irritable and emotional are just a few things I experienced daily for 13 weeks after my...

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

In light of brain injury awareness month we would like to take the time to talk about concussions and how they affect vision. Vision is brain! The visual system impacts very cortex of our brain. So, an injury that damages any portion of the brain has the potential to...

Heart Awareness Month

February is Heart Awareness Month! Well, what does that have to do with your eyes?? As much as we like to sometimes think that they aren’t, your eyes are connected to your body. The same blood that flows from your heart to your brain also reaches into your...

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